Monday, October 18, 2010

Once in a lifetime

'I shall pass through this world but once.
Any good thing that I can do,
or any kindness that I can show to any human being,
let me do it now and not differ it,
for I will not pass this way again.'
This quote was on the door of the room we moved into for a few days while they painted the volunteer room.  It's very fitting and I liked it a lot, so I thought I would share.
The weather in Addis has been really nice.  Cool in the mornings and evenings but sunny and hot during the day.  We haven't had any rain in over a week. 
This week, the frailty of life was even more evident to me.  We lost two babies, and it was really hard for me.  They were both little girls.  The first one was only admitted in the morning and died in the afternoon.  I was surprised to find out that not even the sisters here are trained in CPR.  I've never had to do CPR on an infant by myself before, and thankfully my clinical brain kicked in faster than my emotional brain. I was able to think clearly enough to offer what help I could, but God chose to take her home.  I spent a good part of the afternoon with the mom.  Its amazing how much you can communicate in a situation like that, even if you don't share a language. 
The second little girl was a twin.  Her and her brother arrived only one day old with their mother.  She was 1.5kg, her brother 1.8kg.  They were both so small and weak, I was shocked that the hospital discharged them.  They weren't nursing well, and even with syringe feeding were not getting enough nourishment.  I put feeding tubes down, and they were tollerating the feeds well.  I was going every 2 hours to feed them because I was so worried about them.  Unfortunately the little girl was too weak, and she passed away yesterday.  The little boy is stronger and I'm hopeful for him.
I just keep thinking 'This would never happen in Canada'.  It's hard to understand why God allows little children to come into the world for only such a brief time.  I grieve for the mothers who lost those babies this week, and I think of how many women here have experienced that same pain.  Life is so incredibly fragile.  You really never know when God might call you home, and it reminds me that every day, every instant is an opportunity to love.
On a happier note, we're back in our new and improved volunteer room. ha ha! The truth is, they painted over the mold and we cleaned.  The toilet is still broken, but it doesn't smell any more.  I'm learning to rejoice in small victories! ha ha  Leah (the girl from USA) and I did a major clean, and it looks really nice and we're happy to have our own space again. 
I can't believe another week is behind me.  Time flies! Leah and I have been planning to do some more traveling, maybe leaving Addis for a few weeks at the beginning of November.  There is tons of history, and beauty to explore here.  I'm looking forward to it! A break from teaching the nurses would be welcomed as well.  You know, sometimes it takes so much energy to teach someone to do something when you could do it yourself 5 times faster! I've been helping them study for their big exam.  Out of 6 nurses, 3 might have a chance of passing. 
Not much else to write.  Hope all is well at home. 


  1. Hi Kerry. I have been feeling sorry for myself lately because I have to do my share of nights. I am humbled by your committment to God through your work with the poor. I have forgotten that I always come home to a clean dry bed every day. I am cheering you on from Saskatchewan. Phyllis

  2. Thanks for another good one that reminds of how blessed I am!! Praise God for my little one's health!
